Native JavaScript cloud editor

Just a few lines of code to get started. Works with any modern website.

  1. Add HTML element: <textarea></textarea>
  2. Include script:
  3. Initialize: pantherpdf.init({ ... })
  4. Provide data and authentication.
    • Specify reportSecret
    • Or editorKey and provide report data inside textarea. Initial data can be empty.

In case reports are stored on customer's database, you need to provide data to the textarea element. Textarea value will be automatically updated with every change. You can query it at any time and upload data when required. Or you can use HTML form to submit data to your backend.

You can have multiple editors on one page with different options. Call pantherpdf.init({ ... }) multiple times each time with a different selector.

In case you want to dinamically change report at runtime (e.g. user selects different report) you need to reinitialize it. First set value of textarea to new report and then call pantherpdf.init({ ... }) with same selector as the first time.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <script src=""></script> <script> pantherpdf.init({ selector: '#myreport', //editorKey: 'my-cloud-editor-key', reportSecret: 'my-report-secret', }); </script> <style> #myreport-pantherpdf { width: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <form method="post"> <textarea id="myreport"></textarea> </form> </body> </html>

pantherpdf.init() attributes:

Parameter Is required? Description
selector Yes Selector for <textarea>.
reportSecret Yes when data is managed by PantherPDF managed service. Access token for a report.
editorKey Yes when data is managed by customer, optional otherwise. Access token for editor.
lang No   Possible values: en (default, uses metric units) and en-us which uses imperial units.


Wrapper creates a new <iframe> element and assigns it an id attribute. It is derived from <textarea>'s id sttribute by appending -pantherpdf

For example:

  • Original element: <textarea id="reporteditor"></textarea>
  • Additional element: <iframe id="reporteditor-pantherpdf"></iframe>

You can specify position, size, borders etc for this additional element.